Welcome back to this corner of community and a new tech talk. Last time you were here we talked about Slack and I promised to tell you about creating your own emojis. Well let’s make good on that promise and continue this slack shoutout and talk about just that.
Have you ever been sending a message and just can’t seem to find that perfect emoji to really get the point across? You know your words will do the job, but a good emoji could really hammer it home. If you just said yes to that, boy do I have some fun in store for you.
Slack allows you to create your own custom emojis. That’s right, I said custom emojis. You can do this right from where you would normally choose an emoji. You click on add emoji and you are on your way. What could be easier than that? You can add a random picture you have saved or even a picture you have taken yourself. That means you could add an emoji of your cute nephew’s face, or your pet, or even something in nature. Anything you would like could become an emoji on slack. Not only can you add your own emoji, but you can also name it what you would like to make it easy to find. Oh yeah

At this point I think we need to address that elephant in the room. Yes, I have also heard “the kids” say that emojis are so old.

I absolutely reject that idea. What do those kids know about technology anyway? Ok they know a lot, but I say emojis are here to stay

I mean, who doesn’t like a little fun through the day? If your message to someone can bring a smile because you added a custom emoji, then I say you can’t go wrong.

If you would like to see step by step how to add these emojis just click here. https://slack.com/help/articles/206870177-Add-custom-emoji-to-your-workspacehttps://slack.com/help/articles/206870177-Add-custom-emoji-to-your-workspace
You will see everything you need to get started.
These last 2 talks I’ve talked about a few reasons I like to use slack in my daily work communications. Check back for the next issue to see what fun tech tool I will be giving a shout out.
Until then, tech on.
Andrea Fahrenbacher