Becker Homework Questions
I used becker only for Audit as well. For audit I felt like I was totally prepared in the weeks before the test and then barely passed, so even though I passed I would maybe recommend something else to supplement Becker. I don't really know what to recommend though.
Becker Homework Questions
All the comments were extremely helpful. After wrapping FAR and BEC, studying for AUD is a treat. My brain doesn't hurt at the end of the day. I'm not underestimating the exam but just stating not too much thinking for this section. My focus is to take my time and read everything thoroughly. I really hope I can pass with 140 hours of studying for 5 weeks. I am hopeful that Becker is enough but need one pass at all the homework questions before I could determine if the material is sufficient. I'm afraid adding supplement will end up to be a waste of time or that time could've been used better to go over beckers homework.
The CPA Exam sections include three multiple-choice testlests or groups of questions covering topics described in the Content Specification Outlines (CSOs). All three of Becker's CPA Review packages include thousands of multiple choice questions written by subject matter experts and provide extra practice for your personally challenging topics. You will have access to Microsoft Excel on this part of the exam to perform necessary functions.
The AICPA provides CPA Exam sample tests using the real CPA Exam software. The CPA sample questions within the test provide a sampling of CPA test questions, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs), task-based simulations (TBS) and written communications tasks (WCT) for each section of the exam. Each CPA Exam sample test has five testlets with 10 MCQs and 6 TBSs, except BEC, which has 10 MCQs, 3 TBSs and 2 WCTs.
Financial encompasses the largest volume of information, which can make it challenging. However, most students take several classes relevant to this section of the exam during their degree program, so it is also likely to be relatively fresh. Candidates should expect some questions focused on key differences between financial statements prepared on a U.S. GAAP basis versus those prepared on an IFRS basis. In addition, if you had the opportunity to take a course in governmental or not-for-profit accounting or both, that will be an advantage in taking this section.
Homework questions: MDS breaks the homework down into manageable phases. And we really appreciate that the course includes the answer explanations for both the correct and incorrect answer choices.
The results for the assessment methods section of the quinquennial survey, as presented below, focus on the responses provided by instructors teaching undergraduate economics courses. In keeping with the presentation of the quinquennial survey results established by Becker and Watts (1996), 2020 mean and median responses for the assessment method questions are provided in Table 1. As indicated by Watts and Becker (2008) and Asarta et al. (2021), we are unable to establish whether those responding to the survey are representative of all undergraduate instructors in the USA.
When it comes to written assignments, the highest weights, on average, have consistently been assigned to term papers, homework, and problem sets since 2000. These weights increased from 2000 to 2010, but declined in 2020. This pattern also holds for the average weight assigned to shorter papers, where the mean weight fell to 3% in 2020. The average weight assigned to other written assignments has remained fairly low and constant over time.
Community association property management is a field that has experienced significant growth in recent years. Florida Law requires licensure by individuals who, for compensation, provide management services for community associations with more than ten (10) units, or those with annual budgets that exceed $100,000 (CAM licensing). Currently, Florida has over 10,000 licensed property managers. As such, it is incumbent on your association to do its homework before hiring a property manager.
Instructional Team Course Instructors: Prof. Andreas Becker Office: JILA X350 (JILA X-wing, 3rd floor) Phone: 303-492-7825 Email: andreas.becker(at) Office Hours: Mon, 1-2PM in JILA X350 and Th, 3:30-5PM in Help Roomor by appointment Prof. Noah Finkelstein Office: F1021 (Gamow Tower, 10th floor) Phone: 303-735-6082 Email: noah.finkelstein(at) Office Hours:TBD
TA / Grader: Jessica Hoy (Lead TA/Grader) Ananda Das (Grader)
Learning Assistants: Aidan Bohenick Omkar Ramachandran Marcus Schmidt
Prerequisites and required resources: You must have completed PHYS 1120 and 1140 or ECEN 2250 and 3400. A co-requisite is MATH 2400. R.D.Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (excerpts from Volumes 3 and 5) Any edition is fine, noting that the assignments will be given for the most recent edition. Reading is an essential part of PHYS 2130! Reading the text before class is very important. Lecture is to clarify your understanding, to help you make sense of the material. Reading assignments will appear on the course web page. We will use concept tests (clicker questions) during lectures (for extra credit), to help you learn the material. You need to purchase an "iClicker" from the bookstore. Note: All users must re-register their clicker once the year, even if you have used clickers in the past. To register your iClicker, go to the usual MyCU portal, click on the Student tab and there should be a prominent link to register your clicker.
Homeworks: There will be a homework assignment due on every Thursday at 5PM (except exam weeks). No late homeworks will be accepted. After grading the homework will be handed back during the classes. If you feel that your homework was unfairly or incorrectly graded, please write a short note about it, fix it to your homework and contact Prof. Becker or Prof. Finkelstein to request a regrading within two weeks after return of the homework. Homework is exceedingly important for developing an understanding of the course material, not to mention building skills in complex physical and mathematical problem solving. There will be a substantial number of homework problems each week. They will require considerable time and personal effort this term. Typically you will need to spend between four and six hours outside of class to master the material. (Your homework will typically require 4+ hours and you should spend a couple hours each week reading and preparing for class.) You will have considerable difficulty completing them if you follow non-expert problem solving approaches and/or you work alone. However, if you work with other students and develop an 'expert' approach to problem solving, the homework problems should take you less time and effort, and you will learn a lot from doing them. Although you are encouraged together with other students on the homework, you are required to write up the answers in your own words. So each student's wording should be unique to the individual. We will fail any student who submits work that is not his/her own or permits another student to do so. There will be several problem-solving sessions Tuesday to Thursday in the Physics Help Room, where you will be able to conveniently get together with other students to work on homework. The instructorial team, Andreas Becker, Noah Finkelstein, Jessica Hoy, and the LAs will be present at these sessions to provide 'coaching' on problem solving methods. Sessions will be focused on the homework material, but we will not be explicitely telling anyone how to do the problems (how would that help you learn?). You are encouraged to start all problems on your own and then come to these sessions to work with other students and get coaching in problem solving as necessary. If you come to homework sessions 'cold', the value of homework to you will be greatly reduced. The times and room numbers will be listed on the course website. The Physics Help Room is also open 40 hours per week, and there are always students and TAs there, although they are not necessarily from 2130. Students begin this class with a range of backgrounds in physics and math. As a result, it is impossible for each class to be perfectly matched to everyone's background. The primary purpose of office hours is to provide individual help to students that need it. We are anxious to provide whatever help is necessary for every student, regardless of background, to do well in the course and achieve all of the learning goals. However, it is your responsibility to recognize that you need that help, and to take advantage of its availability by asking to meet with us.
Grading: The grade weighting will be as follows 2 Midterms (each): 17.5% Final exam: 25% Written homework: 40% Clicker responses and occasional in class and online activities will count for bonus (extra credit) points. The extra credit score will REDUCE the weight of your (midterm and final) exam total. Clickers start counting the 2nd week of class. Please register your iClicker at With this grading system, the most important requirement for getting a good grade is to do all the homework assignments. Missing several weeks of homework will likely put you in danger of failing, no matter how well you do on the exams! There are no homework makeups. Your lowest weekly homework score and your lowest three daily clicker scores will be dropped. This is to accommodate illnesses, car troubles, dead batteries, sore throats, broken alarm clocks etc.
Comments and Expectations: The rules above may seem rather harsh and arbitrary, but they are essential to maintaining the integrity of the course. There is a painful story behind every one of them. Although most of you will never come up against any of the rules, there are a handful of students each semester that just cannot seem to avoid them. These rules are primarily to prevent these students from obtaining an unfair advantage over the others in the class. If these rules are going to cramp your style, then this class is probably not for you. You control the pace of the course by asking questions in class. This means that if you don't understand something, it is your responsibility to ask questions. Attending class and the homework session gives you an opportunity to ask questions. We are here to help you as much as possible and to succeed in the course, but we need your questions to know what you don't understand. Physics 2130 covers some of the most fundamental and beautiful physics and the applications of the key ideas of quantum mechanics to real world applications. Your reward for the hard work and effort will be learning important and elegant material that you may likely encounter in your future career as scientist or engineer. Please turn off all phones when entering the class. It is perfectly OK to interrupt the lecture by yelling 'Question!', questions are always good! We encourage collaboration in this course, an essential skill in all professions. Social interactions are critical to scientists' success - most good ideas grow out of discussions with colleagues. As you study together, help your partners get over confusions, ask each other questions, constructively critique ideas. You learn the most from teaching others! Remember that this is about learning, not about passing a class - for all assignments, the work you turn in must be your own: in your own words, reflecting your own understanding.